Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Results
Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Gases : Lecture Notes of the les Houches Summer School: Vol... by Salomon, Christophe, Shlyap... ISBN: 9780199661886 List Price: $74.95
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Laser by Tarasenko, Victor F., Mayer... ISBN: 9780819419842 List Price: $70.00
Zur Problematik der Multiplen Sklerose by Georgi, F., M�ller, H. R. M... ISBN: 9783805502986 List Price: $38.00
Interantional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers II by Tarasenko, Victor F., Mayer... ISBN: 9780819428547 List Price: $80.00
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers III by Tarasenko, Victor F., Mayer... ISBN: 9780819437082 List Price: $80.00
Zahnmedizin: Beitrge zur Zahnmedizin Anlsslich des 25Jhrigen Bestehens des Zahnrztlichen Ins... by Prof. Dr. med. E. Hockenjos... ISBN: 9783034858991 List Price: $69.99
Diss. Inaug. De Iure Natalium Nobilium Germaniae, Vulgo Von Dem Recht Der Ahnen Des Adels In... by Johann Theodor Von Scheffer... ISBN: 9781342376121 List Price: $21.95
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IV (Proceedings of Spie) by Mayer, Georgy V., Petrash, ... ISBN: 9780819445094 List Price: $90.00
Absolution: A Palestinian Israeli Love Story by R. F. Georgy ISBN: 9780692216088 List Price: $19.99
Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten: Dritter Band Allgemeiner Teil III (Volume 3) (German Edition) by F. Georgi, V. Kafka, E. Küp... ISBN: 9783642889929 List Price: $69.95
ED Versus Me : A Journey of Recovery from an Eating Disorder by Beadman, Georgie M., Wilkes... ISBN: 9781800493889 List Price: $10.99
Diss. Inaug. de Iure Natalium Nobilium Germaniae, Vulgo Von Dem Recht der Ahnen des Adels in... by Johann Theodor Von Scheffer... ISBN: 9781378336069 List Price: $10.95